
Review of Urban Sustainability in Canada
A High-level Picture of the Space, the Players and the Opportunity
Land Use and Biodiversity
local government, policy analysis, research and recommendations, knowledge mobilization
Project Summary
Urban Environmental Sustainability (UES) is a concept that houses numerous areas of activity in Canada. The Corvus Centre undertook a cross-Canada study to identify the primary areas of activity within this space, the higher-level trends, and the types of players, then identify the areas and approaches most promising for philanthropic impact.
The research involved a high-level scan of the UES concept, including a compact literature review (articles from 14 journals over the last three years, 2020-2022), a web review of NGO activity (31 Canadian organizations), a web review of 5 representative Canadian urban municipalities, and two targeted key-informant interviews.
The analysis involved categorizing and assessing concepts and issues, characterizing potential key players, and identifying opportunities for philanthropic impact.

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