About Us
What is the Corvus Centre?
The Corvus Centre for Conservation Policy is a not-for-profit nature conservation charity.
We work with governments, NGOs, and other sectors to improve nature-related policy through research, facilitation, and dialogue.
Our vision: public policy actively supports biodiversity.
Watch a brief video on who the Corvus Centre is and what we do
Land Use & Biodiversity
Nature & Climate
Natural Infrastructure
Finance & Biodiversity
Policy analysis
We speak three languages
We do the policy research,
catalyze the conversations, and investigate the critical questions
We link nature conservation to science, to communities, to finances, to landowners, to decision making
We work in partnership with conservation groups, municipalities, provincial agencies, federal agencies
Research Agenda
In the Spring of 2021, the Corvus Centre undertook a survey of conservation practitioners to better understand more specifically where the organization should devote its resources.
Watch a brief video on the Corvus Centre's research agenda
Our People
Board of Directors

Watch Dave share his thoughts on why he joined Corvus
Dave Poulton, Board Member
Dave Poulton is a researcher and consultant focusing on conservation policy. Dave is Director of the Alberta Land Institute, an independent research institute based at the University of Alberta, with a mandate to connect research with policy for better land management. He has long-standing interest in biodiversity offsetting, serving as the Executive Director of the Alberta Association for Conservation Offsets (www.aaco.ca) and member of the Advisory Group of the Business and Biodiversity Offset Programme (BBOP). Dave consults to governments, companies and non-governmental organizations through his company Poulton Environmental Strategies Inc. His clients have included Environment and Climate Change Canada, several provincial and territorial ministries of environment and natural resources, Kinder Morgan, Enbridge, the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, and Ontario Nature.
He holds a B.A. and M.A., in political science from the University of Calgary, and LL.B. from Dalhousie University, as well as an LL.M. from the Natural Resources, Energy and Environment program at the University of Calgary. Dave is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Queensland.

Watch Chris share his thoughts on why he joined Corvus
Chris Manderson, Board Member
Chris has over 30 years of experience as biologist and environmental planner in both the public and private sector. From 1998 to 2021, Chris worked in Natural Area Management and Planning for Calgary Parks, most recently as the lead for Urban Conservation group, which is responsible for urban ecosystem management, including planning and policy, natural area management, integrated pest management and habitat restoration. In that role, Chris led the development of key environmental policies and plans for the City of Calgary, including development of a municipal wetland conservation policy, riparian setback guidelines and a municipal biodiversity strategy.
Prior to joining the City of Calgary, Chris worked in environmental consulting in Alberta and Ontario, working on issues related to forestry, wetland ecology and municipal development.

Watch Carol share her thoughts on why she joined Corvus
Carol Bettac, Board Member
Carol’s career has included leadership roles with Alberta Agriculture, the Institute for Agriculture, Forestry and the Environment (IAFE) and Alberta Innovates, developing expertise in the intersection between the public sector and private industry. Carol’s sector expertise in agriculture, forestry, municipalities and the environment has included bringing together strategic alliances and networks from across the resource sectors and not-for-profit community to build capacity and networks to stimulate outreach and diffusion of innovation. Carol brings both significant knowledge and a track record in developing and maintaining cross sector relationships, connections and networks; leading and inspiring teams; managing change within public sector restructuring; and developing and delivering adult education (extension) and conservation programs targeting a range of stakeholders and communities.
Carol holds a B.Sc. Agriculture and a Masters of Business Administration, as well as education through the Harvard Agri-Business Seminar, Banff School of Management – Leaders in Agriculture Program, and University of Alberta – Leaders in Ecosystem Services.

Guy Greenaway, Executive Director
Guy has over 20 years of experience developing and managing projects related to landscape level ecosystem analysis and management, conservation policy, and sustainable land use planning. Guy’s areas of specialty include private land conservation, conservation planning, conservation communications, municipal conservation, conservation policy development, eco-fiscal analysis, and conservation tool development. The skills Guy has acquired and applied in this adventure include conservation project design and management, fund development, facilitation, NGO/government liaison, fostering collaboration, non-profit governance, non-profit financial management, conference planning, grant making, technical and creative writing, editing, and public story-telling.
Guy has chaired the boards of the Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, the Alberta Land Trust Alliance, and the Small Change Fund; worked as Executive Director of the Southern Alberta Land Trust Society, and Senior Project Manager for the Miistakis Institute; served as VP Communications for the Alberta IAP2; run two small consulting businesses; and received B.A. and M.E.Des. (Envl Sci) degrees. Guy’s presentations and publications provide one perspective on the diversity of his work.